Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GLHS Renaissance Rally Teacher Flash Mob


          The first quarter renaissance rally was a blast with games and competitions pertaining to the theme of “I Know What You Did Last Quarter.” Suddenly, during the middle of the celebration, teachers broke out into a flash-mob, surprising the entire student body.

 “I thought the flash-mob was pretty cool, my friends and I had fun watching it and I think it really got a lot of people’s attention. I really thought it added to the spirit in the rally!”

 -Abby Mauger, Freshman

“I was very surprised by the flash-mob and thought it was hilarious! It definitely made the rally more interesting and I was very surprised by some of the teachers.”

-Emily Kingsley, Sophomore

 “My first reaction to it was speechless and I was asking myself, where and when were they able to practice all of these transitions and dance moves? I really think people will remember them dancing and make the rally memorable”

-Nicko Poulias, Junior

 “My first reaction was, oh this is gonna be interesting, the teachers are gonna do a dance! As more and more teachers came out I realized what was going on. I though the high participation of the staff showed a lot of school spirit, you could tell they put a lot of work into this dance. Students will be more observant at the next rally, waiting for some sort of surprise.”
                                                                                                -Evan Moreland, Senior

View the Teacher Flash Mob video here!

- Article compiled by Morissa Cohen, reporter

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving Traditions


     Thanksgiving marks the time each year when leaves begin to fall, the air becomes brisk, and an endless supply of food is paramount.  GLHS students talk about their various Thanksgiving traditions for their families.

            “Every year on Thanksgiving my mom gives us a gift. It's always festive Christmas socks to get us ready for the holiday season. I don't know why, but I love getting them every year!” junior Tara Smith said.

            “Half way through our meal, once everyone has quieted down, we go around the table and share what we’re thankful for during the past year.  Usually it’s a very funny and tearful experience,” junior Sana Selemon said.

            “Every Thanksgiving, my brother and I dust off the old NES and play Mario.  Our gaming session is followed by a nice James Bond movie marathon,” junior Stephanie McCann said.

            “My grandparents always come over and together we all watch the Thanksgiving parade.  Then we stuff our faces with delicious food and fall asleep watching the end of the dog show,” sophomore Stephen George said.

Article compiled by Ali McCathern, reporter

Monday, December 5, 2011

Favorite English Books

To some students at GLHS, receiving a mandatory English reading assignment simply means “Spark-noting” and skimming the pages of the entire novel, rather than actually reading the book.  However, to other students at the school, reading high school-required novels is not as boring as you might think.  Whether you are a senior, junior, sophomore or freshman, chances are that you have – or you will – come across a required reading book that is on a subject you can relate to.

“I was assigned to read Fast Food Nation over the summer for AP Language and Composition.  I really liked it because it opened my eyes to a side of fast food that is really disturbing, but no one really sees.  I really learned a lot from this book.” –Alex Howell, Senior

“My all time favorite book was during sophomore year when we read Me and Orson Welles. I found it more relatable than most high school books, and it was just an interesting story.  Plus, I’m a huge theatre and band nerd, and, in the novel, so is the main character, which is awesome!” -Justin Jordan, Junior

“I really liked The House on Mango Street which we read during freshman year.  It was, in my opinion, a lot different than the other books we have read.  It was based on a true story and I liked that the book was made of different memories throughout the [main character’s] life,” said Alex Hack, Sophomore

“My favorite book to read this year was Julius Caesar because it was both interesting and astonishing.  I loved how it was based off of history and how the story had such a strong meaning.” –Estifanos Yohannes, Sophomore

“So far this year, I have really enjoyed reading The Crucible.  The main reason it held my interest was the fact that it had some historical significance to it.  Knowing that these events actually happened in real life made it seem like the story was more important.” –Stephanie McCann, Junior

One of my favorite books was Marley and Me because it was different from the usual books we were assigned to read. It was for journalism class so it had a different style of writing. It was humorous and was about an adorable puppy, so I liked it!” –Lara Wurster, Senior

-Article compiled by Emily Jadwin, reporter